Friday 22 August 2014

Cross Country

We spent weeks training for our cross country race.  On the day of the race it was very cold.  Please enjoy the recounts that we wrote about our cross country day!

Cross Country

Today Room 11 went down to the school field.  Nanny, Trinity and Karma watched me run around the field.  It was raining.  I felt proud.


Cross Country

On Wednesday I went on the school bus and I talked to a big girl. When we got to school we had cross country and I went fast.


Cross Country

In the morning room 11 went on the field. Everyone had a race and there was first second and third.

Cross Country Day

Today we went to the the school field. We ran as fast as we could. I came ninth place. I ran bare feet. I went up the mountain and it was SLIPPERY. I fell over in the mud. I went next to the playground. I felt HAPPY!

By Campbell

Cross Country

Today we went down the path to the cross country and I saw my mum and my nana.  I felt happy.  I saw the mud. I did not step in the mud.


Cross Country

Today Room 11 went down to the school field to do our cross country.  On the field there were cones to go around. In the race I came 9th place out of the Year 0-1 boys. Abigail came 1st out of the Year 0-1 girls and Michael came 1st out of the Year 0-1 boys. In the end the house leaders were cheering for Weka House. In the end of the race I felt embarrassed because there were lots of people cheering.


Cross Country

I went to Cross Country with my family. My family watched me at Cross Country race and my family was cheering. My race was hard.

Cross Country

I  went to Cross Country today.  This morning we had house leaders.  I skidded on top of the hill.  I came tenth place.  I shouted out, “Weka!”  I saw Ava and Nico.  We played fighting games and Weka gets to go to Rainbows End.


Cross Country

Room 11 went to cross country at the school field. We had sausages at cross country. Michael came first out of the Year One boys.


Cross Country Day

Today we went down to the school field. Tui Year One girls were first.  I had two sausage sizzles and one piece of cake. My mum was there and my brother was there too.  I was sad and it was slippery.

By Lily Rose

Cross Country
This morning we went to cross country.  I came ninth place on the field.  I felt happy and confused.  I was fast. It was fun.  I got a sausage sizzle. It was hard.


Cross Country

This morning we went down to the school field to do fitness. I was happy because it was fun because I like doing fitness.


Cross Country

On Wednesday we went onto the school field to do cross country.
It was in the morning. It was fun. My mum was there she was watching me run. I came eighth in the race. I was proud of myself. The Year 4’s did a race they had to go out of the school. They had to go by the fire station. They came back into the school.

By Moss

Cross Country

Today we had cross country at the school field. I came fourth place out of the Year One girls. It was embarrassing because there was a lot of people.


Cross Country

To beat Abigail I started to run but Abigail ran to the finish line and got to win!


Cross Country

Today Room 11 went down to the field to do cross country. We were in the morning. I came 7th place. I was in the Year 1 boys. I had a sausage  and Tui came second place. It was at school. I felt happy.


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