Sunday 7 December 2014

Room 11 Enjoys Market Day!

Room 11 loved Market Day.  First we made containers for our product, then we made posters to advertise the day.  Next we made invitations and took them home to give to our families so that they would come to Market Day.  We learnt about money in class and on the day we got to serve people who came to buy our product and we got to spend our own money and buy lots of wonderful things.  The whole school made $3,600.00 from the day. We had a great day.

Market Day

At Market Day we can buy Loom Bands and lollies but they cost money but we are selling the lollies.


Market Day

I’m going to buy some toys.  My mum is coming.  I cannot wait.  I’ll have fun.


Market Day

I want to pay Boom Strike at Market Day.


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