Wednesday 29 May 2013

Taleia's First Competition

My First

On Sunday I did my first gymnastics competition. It was held at Tri-star gymnastics club. I went with my Mum and Dad, I was very excited!

When we arrived, we sat and waited for our coach. Then we did our warm up for 20 minutes. It was really hot in there, I was sweating.

After warm up we went to our first apparatus, which was vault. I scored the highest mark in my team for vault. There were three other apparatus’ we had to do after vault. They were beam bar and floor. My hardest apparatus is bar! I enjoy floor the most.

After we finished, we did the prize giving. I came second in Vault and Beam. I was so proud of myself. There were girls from all over Auckland. I was the youngest in my team! I had such a good time.


Year 3